Find low-hanging fruit in your project to get the ball rolling for them. It’s much easier to address such things sooner than later, and even with the most extensive instructions, every new hire is likely to need some time to get into the groove of your team and/or code base. One of the most common ways to start on the wrong foot with a recently hired software developer is to throw them into an ongoing sprint without explaining anything. While one could argue that’s on the project manager or the scrum master, there are a lot of things that need to be made clear during or shortly after the final interview. Finding the right company is the first step you will take toward converting your app idea into an effective solution. At Space-O Technologies, we have visionaries that ensure proper development and market fit for the product.
Your recruitment process speaks volumes of your company and plays a big part in your reputation on the job market. You stand to gain or lose more than you may think depending on how you conduct your recruiting. One of the issues with “insourcing” your software engineer recruitment is that you may not have the right skillset onboard to find good hires. For example, your HR department may find it difficult to identify and attract quality candidates. Hiring software engineers is especially tricky for companies without a well-established, prestigious brand. If you fall under this category, you may find that developers either don’t want to join you or will leave you the minute the project gets boring for them.
If the software you need is made in-house, it is possible in only a few days to weeks. The difficulty of developing in-house software is dependent on the specific platform needed, the software development expertise of your team, and the size of your business. Even though it is rare to find startups using entirely in-house software, it is not uncommon to find startups using partially in-house software, or third-party software. For most startups, it is normal to find they are using a combination of commercial and in-house software. First, your IT recruiters get information from the HR recruiters about the candidates who have passed the HR interview.
We live in unprecedented times when the world is trying to adapt to the new normal. Many businesses had experienced a screeching halt in their growth as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some have incurred significant financial losses, and some have closed their operations. It is safe to say that all organizations have suffered, and we are still not fully aware of the extent of these events to the global economy.
There are many aspects of them candidates don’t have any control over. They don’t know whether the recruiters will be nice, what questions they will ask, etc. Recruiters are often professional educators for candidates who wish to get into a new line of work or climb their career ladder, but are not yet in a position to successfully do either. When interviewing candidates, recruiters need to be in charge of the situation.
In any case, retaining top software development talent will always go beyond money. Your work culture, team structure, quality of projects, and the sense of purpose your company offers will also come into play. Although I said numerous times how complex the software development industry is, the best software developers are the ones who can make it look easy. Testing for coding skills is a common practice when hiring great programmers but not too many business leaders look at how clean the code is. Every day I get asked more and more frequently how to hire the best software developers.
Different people have different opinions, and the workplace is where they clash the most often. To avoid tension and friction, your developers need to be open to feedback, otherwise nothing will get done. Sometimes this affects our day-to-day lives in ways we can’t anticipate. The reason why empathy is so important is because you have no idea who the person sitting in front of you is. You don’t know their life story, where they’re coming from, or what they’re going through, and all of that can influence their performance during the interview. Professional competences or lack thereof may very well be just the tip of the iceberg.